although today we were nearly all by browsing various websites, but if the boss let us responsible for building the company's web site, estimated that many people will head big, because many of us are only known one of, i don't know the other. today cloud infinite small make up website construction is necessary to show you to the website construction of three elements, namely, domain name, space (virtual host) and site procedures, familiar with the three names? website construction is to promote the purpose of our business, then we respectively introduce the influence of the three elements of website promotion, so that the website can better service for the business.
the first elements: the domain name
一般域名的后缀有以下几种:.com/.net/.org/.gov/.edu ,后来慢慢的发展成为带有国家或地区英文名称缩写的,比如:.cn/.tw./.hk,再后来有.mob/.cc等类似的域名出现。一般来讲,.org /.gov/.edu的域名比.com/.net的域名是有优势的,因为.org/.gov/.edu一般是政府或事业单位使用的域名,搜索引掣会认为这种类型的域名权重比较高。
general domain name suffix has the following kinds: com/.net/.org/.gov/.edu, then slowly developed into a country or region's english name abbreviations, such as: cn/tw. /. hk, then yes. mob /. cc and similar domain name. in general,. org /. gov/.edu domain name. domain names are advantages of com/.net, because. org/.gov/.edu is government or business unit commonly used domain name, search their engines will think that this type of domain weight is quite high.
与关键字相关的域名的优化是显而易见的。比如:你的网站业务是用来做地区性网页设计业务的比如北京网站建设的,那么如果你选择一个szmynet.com这样的域名是非常有优势的。听有的seo大师说,简短的域名对seo是有帮助的,但对于google而言,这个优势我是不得而知。对于百度而言,域名和网站关键字的相关性的优势不大。但不管是百度还是google,我认为网站的内容,最终面向的还是人,而不是搜索引掣,所以我认为把seo称为 ueo(user experience optimization用户体验优化)更准确性。既然要关注用户体验,那么一个简短且易记的域名是非常有必要的。域名和网站的主题相关越近越容易让用户记住,英文单词,汉语拼音,英文读音谐音都是比较不错的参考范围,比如baidu.com(汉语拼音)sina.com(谐音),这些都是很经典的域名。
associated with the keyword domain optimization is obvious. such as: your website business is used to make regional web design business such as beijing website construction, so if you choose a domain name szmynet.com is very advantage. listen to some seo said the master, short domain name to seo is of help, but for google, this advantage i was unknown. domain name and web site for baidu keyword correlation of advantage is not big. but both baidu and google, i think the content of the site, in the end or people oriented, not search their engines, so i think called seo ueo (user experience optimization user experience optimization) is more accurate. since attention to user experience, so a brief and easy to remember domain name is necessary. domains and websites related to the theme of the nearly the more likely it is to let the user remember, english words and chinese pinyin, english pronunciation harmonics are relatively good reference range, such as baidu.com (chinese pinyin) sina.com (harmonics), these are all very classic domain name.
the second elements: space (virtual host)
description: the space is also called a virtual host (host is a server) in the internet, the function of the virtual host is to store the content of your website, because is not unique to you, so called virtual host (general operators of host a server can store dozens or even hundreds of web sites). based on this, we should pay attention to the following questions
经营商的诚信。任何一个idc经营商都不敢保证他的主机从来不出问题,关键的是出了问题后处理的速度,如果网站处于flase状态,那么对于seo来讲影响是很大的;服务器网络环境:服务器放在是什么样的机房,比如:北京云无限机房 ,厦门机房都是不错的。机房线路是双线还是单线,双线空间比单线空间有很大的优势。还有就是要注意流量问题和带宽问题;你准备要购买空间的服务器上已经有多少个网站在运营,越少越好,这个可以通过seo工具来查询;你的服务器空间有没有被搜索引掣惩罚过,如果有,则这样的空间坚决不买,因为搜索引掣的惩罚不是针对网站域名而是你网站ip的服务器。
operators of integrity. any idc operation are not sure of his host was never a problem, the key is the speed of the problems with the post-processing, if the site is in a state of flase, so for seo effect is great; server network environment: the server on what kind of room, such as: beijing cloud unlimited room, xiamen room are good. room line is double or single, double space than single space has a great advantage. and pay attention to the traffic and bandwidth issues; you ready to buy space on a server that has how many sites are in operation, the less the better, this can query by seo tools; your server space ever punished by search their engines, if any, are determined not to buy such a space, because the search their engines of punishment is not on the website domain name but you website ip server.
the third elements: site procedures
网站程序是承载你网站内容的最核心的工具,搜索引掣最终关注的你网站的内容,它的蜘蛛来了,你有没有东西喟给蜘蛛吃是最重要的,所谓内容为王。既然内容为重,那么选择一个好的网站建设工具对我们来说是重要的。当然你要找专业的网站建设公司就不在此讨论了。对于那些想节约money又想学网络知识的朋友来说,可以选择开源免费的cms来学习,这些cms也太多很简单,并且符合seo,我一般用php的开源工具,在这里给大家推荐 dedecms,php168,discuz,wordpress,ecshop,zencard等。我们不同的网站内容也需要选择不同的程序来做。比如做博客就选择wordpress, zbolg等,做商城网站就选择ecshop,shopex等。反正选择自己内容合适的程序那样网站做起来就事半功倍了。
site program is carrying tools you at the core of the site's content, search their engines ultimately focus on the content of your website, it's a spider come, do you have any things kui for spider is one of the most important, the so-called content is king. since the content is heavy, so choose a good web site building tools is important for us. of course you are looking for professional website construction company is not discussed here. for those who want to save money and the friend that wants to study network knowledge, the free open source cms can be selected for study, the cms is also too many, quite simply, and accord with seo, i generally use php open source tools, here recommend you dedecms, php168, discuz, wordpress, ecshop, zencard, etc. we have different content also need to choose a different program to do. like making choice of the wordpress blog zbolg etc., do the mall site select ecshop, shopex, etc. anyway, choose their own content best program website it's get twice the result with half the effort.
at this point, whether you knowledge of website construction and have a new understanding, hope that the above content can help you better speak website promotion, raise business.
cloud is a focus on infinite website building, website design, website production, website construction and production of high-end site production company. if necessary you can contact us as soon as possible.